If it is neither useful nor beautiful, it doesn't belong in your life.
An interesting philosophy, but I am sure there are exceptions.
I have begun working on the page again. This page is still under construction. I have modified the page so that the links will work for Netscape users. The Bullhead City, AZ Area Scanner Frequencies list is on the scanner page, which can be accessed from the useful page. The beautiful page links to a page of poetry I wrote, most of them were for school, but a couple were written for their own sake. The Brady Bill of Rights can be accessed from the Gun Page.
Future plans include lots of links to websites containing artworks such as the Web Museum. There is a new Artwork of the Month, it can be accessed from the art page. The MIDI file of the Month has also been changed. The Gun Page is up now, check it out. I also have a version of this site optimized for Pocket PCs. Click here to access it.
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Richard Moore